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The Sinar F and F1 models have a clip-on front standard lens standard that does not fully enclose the monorail. Dissatisfied with the limited or imprecise nature of wooden e. Wang yang dicuri itu khabarnya tidak disimpan dalam peti keselamatan.
Retrieved 21 January 2015. RAKYAT negara ini dikejutkan minggu lalu oleh laporan media mengenai tangkapan 17 pengawal keselamatan Jabatan Perdana Menteri JPM oleh pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia SPRM kerana disyaki mencuri wang tunai RM3. The earlier versions of the Zoom sin backs are usable on any 4x5 camera with an international Graflok back later holders no longer have the Graflok grooves required. The Sinar F2 and F3 models have a different front standard, which completely encloses the sinar harian online and also provides a geared focus adjustment, similar to the ring rail clamp on all Sinar F models. Integration of Canon and Nikon SLR cameras as camera backs onto the P standard with adaptors from fellow Swiss camera accessories manufacturer. Retrieved 21 January 2015. The correct F2 standard can easily be identified as it is a north image of the rear standard.
The Hy6 camera and assessories are now produced by DHW Fototechnik GmbH. RAKYAT negara ini dikejutkan minggu lalu oleh laporan media mengenai tangkapan 17 pengawal keselamatan Jabatan Perdana Menteri JPM oleh pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia SPRM kerana disyaki mencuri wang tunai RM3. Sinar moved its base of operations to Zurich after separating from in October 2009. Adapters now discontinued were made by Sinar to adapt this viewer to various other view camera makes such as , , and.
Terkini - Large Format Photography Info. Sinar Photography AG is a Swiss company based in manufacturing specialized high-resolution for studio, reproduction, landscape and architecture photography.
For the Malaysian newspaper, see. Sinar Photography AG is a Swiss company based in manufacturing specialized high-resolution for studio, reproduction, landscape and architecture photography. The cameras are thus often used in advertising, document reproduction, product and architectural photography, where correctly vertical image lines, fine focus accuracy, and extra details are wanted. Other versions of the names were also used, with the S for studio, Sache, or science. The business recalls its roots to Swiss photographer who worked in from 1865 to 1878. In 1879 and 1892 Koch also established two family-owned photography studios in. Koch worked as a portrait, landscape and photographer and was considered one of the first Swiss champions of alpine photography. From 1894 until his death in 1897, Koch was also president of the Swiss Photographers Association. His son Hans-Carl, expanded the family-owned photography studios to include from 1911 photographic retailing. In 1947, the grandson of Koch senior—Carl Hans—a graduate photographer and photographic salesman, took over the family business on the early death of his father Hans-Carl, and founded the following year the Sinar company. Dissatisfied with the limited or imprecise nature of wooden e. His main aims were to produce a large format camera of high precision and simple operation, with a system of parts that were readily interchangeable. The Sinar system's versatility is based on the interchangeability of parts as well as a large number of accessories that have been produced over the years. Major components rails, bellows, lensboards, and standards made in the 1940s are still usable with currently manufactured Sinar equipment. In 1968 Carl Hans' son entered the family business and the company's camera production moved to north of. Sinar moved its base of operations to Zurich after separating from in October 2009. On November 26, 2013 Leica Camera AG took over Sinar Photography AG. The Sinar P, introduced in 1970, had asymmetric tilts and swings, as opposed to the traditional center or base tilts. This permitted rapid and precise settings without losing sharpness on the axis. This was accomplished by using a common rear standard bearer and unlocking a single knob to switch among the various format frames. Another new feature implemented in the P series was the Sinar system of calculating swings and tilts as well as the Sinar depth of field calculator. A key feature of the Sinar P system, particularly in the domain of scientific and industrial photography, is the precise machine tolerances that are part of the fittings and movements. The weight difference is about 3. The original Sinar F is easily identified by a brushed aluminum monorail and other aluminum accents, while the Sinar F1, F2, and F3 models were made of the same materials, but painted black. The Sinar F also has hard plastic knobs, versus the rubber-coated knobs of the F1 and F2. The Sinar F and F1 models have a clip-on front standard lens standard that does not fully enclose the monorail. The advantage is that this standard can easily be removed from the rail by loosening the clamp and lifting straight up, unlike the rear standard, and it is somewhat lighter weight. The disadvantage of this design is that the rail clamping mechanism is susceptible to breakage if over-tightened. The Sinar F2 and F3 models have a different front standard, which completely encloses the rail and also provides a geared focus adjustment, similar to the rear rail clamp on all Sinar F models. The correct F2 standard can easily be identified as it is a mirror image of the rear standard. The F2 and F3 models also came standard with a light-metering back, while this was an option for the F and F1 models. Sinar has manufactured many accessories since its establishment: A swing-out filter holder that allows the photographer to use a polarizing filter as well as 4x4 inch gel filters. A 4x5 reflex attachment that employed an adjustable mirror for the best possible viewing of the image. Adapters now discontinued were made by Sinar to adapt this viewer to various other view camera makes such as , , and. The earlier versions of the Zoom film backs are usable on any 4x5 camera with an international Graflok back later holders no longer have the Graflok grooves required. The Sinar LCD shutter system enables their ccd camera backs to have a much extended density range in video mode for focusing capability in a wider range of ambient lighting. This system has been used in modified mode by RIT to obtain multispectral images suited to aging analysis of color pigments in artworks. Integration of Canon and Nikon SLR cameras as camera backs onto the P standard with adaptors from fellow Swiss camera accessories manufacturer,. Self-cocking shutters, lens-independent, automatic, with built-in apertures. Film plane metering probes and meters. Also E-shutters and E-shutter lenses, below. Not to be confused with the original company of that name, which later evolved into the Rollei company. The Hy6 camera and assessories are now produced by DHW Fototechnik GmbH. Technical correspondence to the visible spectrum in the range of 390 — 700 nanometers in collaboration with Rochester Institute of Technology RIT , Rochester, USA. Archived from on 2011-11-29. Retrieved December 5, 2016. Archived from on 2012-04-20. Large Format Photography Info. Retrieved 21 January 2015. Large Format Photography Info. Retrieved 21 January 2015. Retrieved 21 January 2015. Retrieved 21 January 2015. Archived from PDF on 8 May 2007. Retrieved 21 January 2015. Archived from on 2011-11-13.